Reference: TUR133
Turron de Alicante ,Artesania 2x150g.
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Turron de Alicante en dos tabletas de 150g. Fabricado con almendra marconas enteras y miel de romero natural. Con almendra marcona del mayor calibre posible y la mejor miel natural
The nougat of Alicante-Duro is one of the most traditional
Our Nougat from Alicante is handmade in part of its elaboration process. It has the seal of the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) granted by Brussels and is made with almonds of the Marcona variety, authentic rosemary honey and sugar, as well as egg white.
Guilache nougat with 300g conjolí.
The nougat is made from large caliber and hairy marcona almonds, rosemary honey and sugar. It differs from the guirlache because we add the seeds of sesame or sesame, which give it aroma and exquisite flavor.
Turron a la piedra "sin azúcar añadido"
Turron de jijona con caja de madera 300 g.
Turron de yema tostada artesano 500 g.
El turrón de Jijona es uno de los más tradicionales dulces de Navidad. Está hecho de almendra marcona seleccionada (67%), miel de romero (16%), azúcar y clara de huevo.
Turron of toasted yolk without added sugar. 300 g.
Turron of jijona-soft- without added sugar 300 g.
Turron de Alicante ,Artesania 2x150g.